Legend of the Sand Dollar(Printable Poems)

There is a beautiful poem that uses various parts of a sand dollar as symbols of the sacrifice Jesus made for us as well as things that have spiritual significance for Christians.

We’ve included 3 different styles of the poem as well as one design in a quarter page size that you could easily include with a sand dollar as a cute gift.

Printables are for personal use only. All printables on Tot School Resources website are the property of totschoolresources.com and may not be sold, used for commercial purposes, or given away for free on your own website.

To download a template simply click on the image or the text above the image. (Printable versions will not have a water mark)

Any of these versions would pair well with our hydro dipped sand dollar craft.

Legend of the Sand Dollar Poem Printables

The first option is full color. It’s the fanciest version we have.

Legend of the Sand Dollar Poem – color

Legend of the sand dollar poem on beach background

If you want to save on colored ink this version is mostly black and white. I’ve also included a page with it in quarter page size. You could attach this version to a sand dollar for a cute gift.

Our final version has a fancier font with a simple light blue sand dollar outline in the background.

Legend of the sand dollar poem – blue

Legend of the sand dollar poem with blue sand dollar

Thanks for sharing!

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