Unicorn Horn Craft {Air Dry Clay}
I’ve yet to meet a little girl who isn’t into unicorns! Heck, I still think they’re pretty cool. Doing a unicorn week as part of our Mythical Creatures unit study was a no-brainer and we had to end it with a craft!
Check out how we made these cute unicorn horns out of air-dry clay.
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My kids could not wait to get their hands on the air-dry clay. There are so many fun colors that I can’t really blame them.
- Air Dry Clay
- Imagination
Yes, you only need one physical item to make this craft!
1 – We started by making long snakes out of different colors. You could use 2 colors and alternate, different shades of one color, or go full rainbow like my kids.
Line them all up so that they are touching. You do want them to be roughly the same length.
2 – Starting at one corner gently roll it diagonally until you reach the end. Choose one end to be the top.
3 – The side that will be the top you’ll want to twist a bit more so it forms a point. You can gently press the other end down on a table so that it gets a bit fatter and wider.
That’s all there is to it! Give it some gentle shaping and then leave it out to dry.
Just remember that air dry clay can be a bit fragile but it is easy to work with and dries quickly at room temperature.
Here are the ones my 5 and 7 year old daughters made.